Cosmetology: The Perfect Career for Moms

Being a mom is a job in and of itself. Adding a full-time job to the equation seems nearly impossible. Between the soccer practices, theater rehearsals, and the dreaded parent/teacher conferences, where is the time for a career? We admire that moms always seem to put their children first, but we think it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. How, you ask? Cosmetology! A future in beauty could be the answer to your inner career debate. Here are some reasons why we think that cosmetology is the ideal career for moms.



Who doesn’t love to choose their own schedule? Trying to fit in a 9-5 while being the glue of your family is not ideal for most women. As a cosmetologist, you can build your work schedule around your mom schedule.Cosmetology allows you to put what really matters first, and that’s your family! Never miss another ballet recital or family dinner again.
Beauty Industry

It’s a Growing Industry

The world of cosmetology is on a path of continual upward growth. It’s predicted that between 2012 and 2022, cosmetology jobs are expected to grow at 13%. Growth is something that one should always look for in a career choice. Without growth, your career could easily become stagnant and that isn’t something that anyone wants. With such high rates of growth and progress in the world of beauty, your career options are countless! The best parts are that there are cosmetology careers offered across the globe! Once your kiddos grow up and decide to attend college across the country, no problem! You can pack your bags and tag along. Is being an overbearing mama bear really a bad thing? Yeah right!

Adult Interactions

We aren’t saying that you don’t cherish each and every moment with your children because we know that’s not true. As an adult, though, as much as you enjoy the in-depth discussions of Dora The Explorer and nap time, it’s normal to crave adult interactions. In cosmetology, you get to mingle with various crowds ranging from CEOs to school teachers. You will get to meet all different types of people throughout your day! Each day will consist of new people and new conversations. Aw, just imagine the intriguing and mind growing conversations that are to be had. By the time your day comes to an end, you will actually look forward to an extensive, Scooby Doo convo.

You Become a Role Model for Your Kids

As a cosmetologist, you wear more than one hat and answer to more than one title. You are a saleswoman, an artist, a trendsetter, and not to mention, an entrepreneur. Your kids will learn that they can be anything they want to be if they put their minds to it! You can lead by example and become an inspirational figure for your children to look up to.

It’s Never Too Late to Start

More often than not, as a maternal instinct, moms choose to put themselves last and always place their family before them. They slowly push their goals further and further behind until they seem utterly unattainable. At that point, they are usually put away and forgotten. We have good news, though, there is no age limit in cosmetology. There is no timeline as to when you can become a cosmetologist.

“Even if you think the tentacles of security have already wrapped themselves around you and you can’t move because of your obligations, it’s never too late-there are always unlimited ways to follow your dreams, and it is much easier than you think.” – Rhonda Byrne

We know how intimidating starting something new can be. You owe it to yourself to follow your dreams, so don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. As we mentioned before, we truly admire the dedication and hard work that goes into being a mother. That is why we offer flexible class schedules like night classes to accommodate your motherly obligations! If you want a way to express your creativity and you need flexibility, then check out our cosmetology program and see if a career in beauty is the right path for you! You can also learn more about what your journey through cosmetology school will look like by clicking here.

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